NOVEMBER 2, 2023

University stalls bargaining; workers escalate!

Today was a day of epic stalling. The University dragged its feet for 8 hours, passing your Bargaining Committee a stack of sham proposals – after having stalled unionization for six years.

Dear members: 

It’s time to escalate. RSVP NOW to the “Work Together, Win Together” Rally on November 8th, 12 p.m. at Levi Hall to demand a living wage, dental and vision care, and worker dignity.

The University’s first batch of economic counters were insulting. Not only did their proposals make no movement from the status quo, they proposed regressive language that has potential to rollback existing employee benefits. The University rejected relocation assistance, nixed coverage of visa fees, obliterated retirement matching, and dismissed tax assistance. 

Adding salt to the wound, UChicago rejected our teaching article outright and refused to commit to protections against discrimination. 

You read that right: our employer rejected discrimination protections based on caste, socioeconomic status, political belief, family status, and immigration status. Plus, UChicago rejected worker’s demands to be able to grieve mismanagement of Title IX cases. 

RSVP NOW to the “Work Together, Win Together” Rally. Join hundreds of your co-workers to demand a speedy union contract.

No more stalling. No more waffling. Worker dignity now!

  1. Omg, you’re reading this and you still haven’t RSVP’ed to the rally?!

  2. Phone Bank this Saturday, 2-5 p.m. Sign up!

  3. Make rally signs and Phone Bank on Monday and Tuesday, 5 to 8PM. Fun! Art! Creative!

  4. Wow, you’re not a Department Organizer yet? Fill out the Contract Action Team form!

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee


Dec 8, 2023


Oct 17, 2023