Below is a summary of the most important rights and benefits you have under our union contract. We encourage every member to take the time to read this summary and/or the full union contract.

Economic Benefits

Minimum Pay for Annual Assignments

Minimum Pay for Quarterly Assignments

Compensation and Teaching

Table 1: Minimum Pay for Annual Assignments

Table 2: Minimum Pay for Quarterly Assignments

  • Anyone paid above the minimums set above will receive a 2.5% raise on July 1st 2024, October 1st 2024, October 1st 2025, and October 1st 2026.

  • PhD offer letters say the amount of teaching required for PhD primary funding. PhDs may teach above requirements for the extra pay specified in Table 2.

  • All workers will be paid on time.


Access to a Childcare Stipend of $4,000 per family per year for 1 child, $5,500 for 2 or more children.

For the adoption of a child, up to $5,000 reimbursement for associated expenses. There is a maximum lifetime benefit of $10,000.


Applications to the UChicago Emergency Assistance program will not be unreasonably denied.

Coverage of the Student Services Fee for PhD students, and Master student teaching assistants.

PhD students get the U-SHIP Premium covered and 25% of dependent and spousal premiums covered.

PhD students get $725 per year in additional payments intended to cover dental, vision, transportation, and retirement. There are no restrictions on how you use this money.

Incoming international students receive $510 to cover visa fees.

Non-Economic Benefits


You will receive a letter containing the details for your assignment before it begins.

Your work includes research and/or teaching, including supporting administrative tasks.

You are not required to perform any personal service for a supervisor. You are not required to perform work connected to admissions, recruitment, or faculty hiring.

Mandatory training, meetings, course preparation, and office hours are included in workload.

You have the right to work in your own style and on your own schedule when possible.

Scheduled assignment duties should occur Mon-Fri during the day whenever feasible.

You are not required to work over 20 hours per week on tasks not directly related to your degree.

If your workload cannot be completed in the expected timeframe, you may contact your supervisor to request a workload adjustment. 

Abuse of Authority and Non-Discrimination

You have the right to a work environment free from abuse of authority. Complaints of abuse of authority may be handled through the union grievance procedure.

You may not be discriminated against due to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, age, status as an individual with a disability, military or veteran status, genetic information, or other protected classes under the law.

Protections from discrimination on the basis of union support or organizing activity, criminal record, and caste status.

You have the right to be supported by a union steward when going through any University procedure connected to discrimination or harassment, including Title IX.

The outcome of any non Title-IX complaint can be appealed into the grievance procedure at step 3.

You may not be coerced to accept any informal resolutions.


Paid time off when sick. Paid leave for bereavement, jury duty, or when subpoenaed to testify in court.

Up to twelve weeks of family and medical leave, which is paid when caring for a newborn child.

Requests for vacation will not be unreasonably denied.

International Student Rights

The Office of International Affairs will provide timely and accurate information concerning immigration policies.

The University will meet their obligations with respect to the immigration process (e.g., providing paperwork on time).

The University will not release your immigration status to the Department of Homeland Security unless legally required to do so. If this occurs, the University will promptly notify you.

If you need to renew your visa or complete other paperwork, you will be allowed to do so and given remote work.

The University will attempt to re-employ international workers who lose work authorization once they reobtain authorization.

You have access to off campus work training related to your area of study (CPT and OPT).

You have access to free federal tax filing software.


You will not be required to work in conditions that pose an unreasonable threat to your health and safety.

You will not be required to assume managerial responsibilities of lab safety.

Lab and building safety concerns can be reported using UCAIR. The University must respond within 48 hours.

The results of an investigation pertaining to an unsafe workplace will be disclosed to you.

In case of imminent danger to safety, you will not be required to resume work until the University investigates and takes corrective action.

Workers working with toxic materials and lasers have access to free medical evaluations.

Discipline and Discharge

No worker may be disciplined or discharged, except for just cause. To discipline or discharge a worker, there must be:

  • Fair notice and prior enforcement of the relevant policy;

  • An investigation and substantial evidence of wrongdoing;

  • Equal treatment and progressive discipline;

  • Mitigating and extenuating circumstances should be accounted for.

Weingarten Rights: You have the right to a union steward when being interviewed for events or behavior which may lead to discipline.

  • “If this discussion could in any way lead to me being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I request that my union steward be present at this meeting.”

Inclusive Work EnvironmenT

If you have a documented disability, you may request reasonable accommodations necessary to perform your job.

With or without documentation, if you are suffering from an acute physical or mental condition that prevents you from performing your work, you can inform your supervisor and take interim measures.

You can request to work remotely for health reasons as an accommodation for a disability.

The University will encourage members of the community to address workers by the name and pronouns of their choice. The University will update names and pronouns on all University records free of charge, upon request.

You may receive reasonable accommodations for religious practice.

You may request time and private space at work to express milk for a nursing child.


You will be given meeting or storage space upon request when needed to fulfill your job responsibilities.

Reimbursement for pre-approved work related expenses will be prompt. If the expense is more than $100, then the University will purchase directly when possible.

You have the same Intellectual rights as faculty and published work effort will accurately reflect your contribution. If you invent something, you have the same revenue sharing rights as faculty.

You will not be pressured to falsify data.

You may have a quarterly meeting with your supervisor to discuss work responsibilities and expectations. Upon written request, the supervisor will confirm or correct your responsibilities.

You will receive advanced notice if your assignment is canceled or if your work location moves. There is a quarter of transitional funding for canceled PhD primary funding assignments.

The University will not prevent you from earning income by accepting other jobs.

The University generally may not change any long-standing, frequent practice that is known and accepted by both the union and management. (This is known as past practice.)